Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Visual Effects Final Video Survey

To gain constructive feedback on my work I created a survey to distribute to a variety of viewers.

Visual Effects Animation Questionnaire

1. What did you like most about the animation?

2. What do you think of the quality of the animated elements?

3. How smoothly does the Mario animation animate?

4. How well do the live-action footage and animated footage move together smoothly?

5. If the two videos do animate together smoothly, how realistic is the scene?
If the videos do not animate together smoothly, why does the scene not seem realistic?
(Don’t just say because holograms haven’t been invented yet)

      6. What could be improved?

7. What is your overall opinion of the animation?

       8. How much experience do you have with animating?

-Lots, I am an animation student or use lots of online tutorials ( ) 

-Some, I have just started an animation related course or follow online tutorials for fun ( )

-A bit, I sometimes do small animations for fun ( )

-Not much, only what I see in films ( )

-None, I don’t watch videos of any kind or am Amish ( ) 

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